
Just a fetish or relationship dynamic

For me it’s a lifestyle I’m gonna be fat and happy regardless if I’m found attractive or not I like to eat and like being fat.

I think I just have realistic expectations I think we’re to spread out around the country/ world to say either person is gonna move for the other interactions come and go people find different things but to me it’s just what it is. Sorry if that’s vague
8 months

Just a fetish or relationship dynamic

Are you only interested in feeder/feedee for getting off or do you try creating an actual relationships with these individuals?

Like, when talking to a feedee or a feeder is it only to talk with them to like get off or do you try and pursue an actual long lasting romantic relationship with them?

Is it just for the fetish or is the fetish a lifestyle?

I've seen many feedees talk about their feeder as just a feeder and not so much as a committed romantic partner... and it sort of puts me off. Like I completely understand having an agreement but agreements is all I seem to see. Like, don't get me wrong I love me a good arrangement... but there doesn't seem to be like any romantic aspect to these agreements and its all sexual.
I don't really see many willing to go out and about with these... I guess I will call "play" partners for the lack of a better word.

It seems to me like a lot of feeders seem too embarrassed to ever actually be seen with a fat partner, in case like friends or family see them out or something.

(sorry if all jumbled and incoherent. or like misspelling and poor grammar. the dyslexia is asking up today lol lol)

This is a very solid "It depends". On the one hand, I am dating my feedee. On the other hand, I also engage with this kink purely to get off.

Also, any feeder or FA that's too embarrassed to be seen with a fat partner can get bent. They are the scum of the earth, and I don't care who they are. I said what I said, and I meant what I meant.

My feedee is mine. I will walk down the street with him in full view of everyone. My whole family knows him. My friends know him. They love him and do not care that he's about 400 lbs. And if they did say something they know they have me to deal with so they don't dare.

I love him. I am glad he's mine, and I am his. I will show him off to the world, and I don't care who sees. In fact, I hope the do see. And if they don't like it, they can kiss my ass.
8 months

Just a fetish or relationship dynamic

Are you only interested in feeder/feedee for getting off or do you try creating an actual relationships with these individuals?

Like, when talking to a feedee or a feeder is it only to talk with them to like get off or do you try and pursue an actual long lasting romantic relationship with them?

Is it just for the fetish or is the fetish a lifestyle?

I have always been one for actual relationships and creating a connection. I just in general want to gain weight and be fat, combined with spending time and do other activities together with my SO.

Gaining weight and being fat for me, is a personal decision and a lifestyle that I wish to fulfill. It is something that I wish for myself and achieve the body that I feel at most home in.

If the person I am dating or are in a relationship with, is a feeder? That is a plus on the side, but I still do hope we would still do regular things combined. Like watch movies together, cinema, going somewhere for an adventure or just taking a walk somewhere.

For me there is so much more to life than a temporary rush of serotonin and a stuffed belly. I want to connect with my SO, build a life and just live happy together.

From the time I was single, I was usually quite anxious if anything I said or mentioned, would come off the wrong way.

I know the sites and apps was indeed feederism oriented space, but I felt scared if I would say something that would make someone feel uncomfortable. I did not wish to be someones bad experience, when the person was genuinely trying to find that special one.
8 months

Just a fetish or relationship dynamic

Are you only interested in feeder/feedee for getting off or do you try creating an actual relationships with these individuals?

Like, when talking to a feedee or a feeder is it only to talk with them to like get off or do you try and pursue an actual long lasting romantic relationship with them?

Is it just for the fetish or is the fetish a lifestyle?

I've seen many feedees talk about their feeder as just a feeder and not so much as a committed romantic partner... and it sort of puts me off. Like I completely understand having an agreement but agreements is all I seem to see. Like, don't get me wrong I love me a good arrangement... but there doesn't seem to be like any romantic aspect to these agreements and its all sexual.
I don't really see many willing to go out and about with these... I guess I will call "play" partners for the lack of a better word.

It seems to me like a lot of feeders seem too embarrassed to ever actually be seen with a fat partner, in case like friends or family see them out or something.

(sorry if all jumbled and incoherent. or like misspelling and poor grammar. the dyslexia is asking up today lol lol)
Personally, I enjoy the company of a fat female at all times, and romantically. As I find fat women beautiful, but also because I value one that I am involved with as a person.
8 months

Just a fetish or relationship dynamic

There are people out there that believe in feedism as a form of affection. I am one of them. I want to pamper my feedee and let her be free to eat and grow if she wants, just be a princess if she doesn't. I want worship her curves and softness, and appreciate that she is willing to share her amazing self with me.
8 months

Just a fetish or relationship dynamic

Are you only interested in feeder/feedee for getting off or do you try creating an actual relationships with these individuals?

Like, when talking to a feedee or a feeder is it only to talk with them to like get off or do you try and pursue an actual long lasting romantic relationship with them?

Is it just for the fetish or is the fetish a lifestyle?

I've seen many feedees talk about their feeder as just a feeder and not so much as a committed romantic partner... and it sort of puts me off. Like I completely understand having an agreement but agreements is all I seem to see. Like, don't get me wrong I love me a good arrangement... but there doesn't seem to be like any romantic aspect to these agreements and its all sexual.
I don't really see many willing to go out and about with these... I guess I will call "play" partners for the lack of a better word.

It seems to me like a lot of feeders seem too embarrassed to ever actually be seen with a fat partner, in case like friends or family see them out or something.

(sorry if all jumbled and incoherent. or like misspelling and poor grammar. the dyslexia is asking up today lol lol)

No, this is an excellent question in my opinion.

The only thing I respectfully disagree with is that the feeders are only in it for an arrangement. I see waaaay more feedies/gainers, usually the females trying to use feeders, usually the males as tricks and simps. But I can see it from your perspective too. Yes, there’s still a lot feeders, particularly males that still lie about liking big women let alone feederism cause of the way society views big women.

Now, to answer your question, I’m absolutely here to find my bride. Everyone that knows me, knows that I like big women. All the women my area on this website seem to be taken though haha.
8 months

Just a fetish or relationship dynamic

Are you only interested in feeder/feedee for getting off or do you try creating an actual relationships with these individuals?

Like, when talking to a feedee or a feeder is it only to talk with them to like get off or do you try and pursue an actual long lasting romantic relationship with them?

Is it just for the fetish or is the fetish a lifestyle?

I've seen many feedees talk about their feeder as just a feeder and not so much as a committed romantic partner... and it sort of puts me off. Like I completely understand having an agreement but agreements is all I seem to see. Like, don't get me wrong I love me a good arrangement... but there doesn't seem to be like any romantic aspect to these agreements and its all sexual.
I don't really see many willing to go out and about with these... I guess I will call "play" partners for the lack of a better word.

It seems to me like a lot of feeders seem too embarrassed to ever actually be seen with a fat partner, in case like friends or family see them out or something.

(sorry if all jumbled and incoherent. or like misspelling and poor grammar. the dyslexia is asking up today lol lol)

No, this is an excellent question in my opinion.

The only thing I respectfully disagree with is that the feeders are only in it for an arrangement. Is see waaaay more feedies/gainers, usually the females trying to use feeders, usually the males as tricks and simps. But I can see it from your perspective too. Yes, there’s still a lot feeders, particularly males that still lie about liking big women let alone feederism cause of the way society views big women.

Now, to answer your question, I’m absolutely here to find my bride. Everyone that knows me, knows that I like big women. All the women my area on this website seem to be taken though haha.

Female feeder here. Idk about your take on the whole gender dynamic dicotomy. I'm not even a feedee, but I see a fair amount of male trickery (feedees and feeders). Sure, it's usually not money (although it does happen) but it's usually in the form of getting nudes or trying to force non-feedees into being their feeders.

Oh, the things I've seen in my inbox and DMs ...

This is not to say that men do this more than women trying to scam men. (Although a lot of times, those are men catfishing other men). I'd think it's fair to say they happen about equally.

It is funny when the two collide. Happens fairly regularly. Never ends well.
8 months

Just a fetish or relationship dynamic

I would like to have an in person real relationship.

I'd be happy to be known as the skinny guy with fat girl couple. Plus public gluttony is super hot. ❤️
8 months

Just a fetish or relationship dynamic

Absolutely a relationship dynamic for me that I'm looking for.
8 months

Just a fetish or relationship dynamic

I would want it to be romantic. Sex and romance are better together, not apart.

Edit: Entertaining a fetish without going any further into sex is not something I would even consider. I would expect it to work at least as foreplay at the minimum.
7 months